Welcome to Sidney Health Center’s news section. Here you’ll find the latest news releases, articles and feature stories of the happenings at Sidney Health Center.
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August 20, 2015
Dr. Jeffrey Gilles is an American Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon at

June 30, 2015
Sidney Health Center is pleased to announce the addition of Leszek Jaszczak, M.D.

April 12, 2015
Sidney Health Center and the Richland County Health Department are co-sponsoring a health fair

April 5, 2015
Sidney Health Center is pleased to announce the successful recruit of Kelly O’Neal, M.D.

January 9, 2015
Sidney Health Center is restricting visitation at the hospital, Extended Care and The Lodge.

January 5, 2015
Jaxon Lewis Charles Hills was the first baby born at Sidney Health Center in 2015

November 24, 2014
The Richland Co. Mental Health Local Advisory Council is offering Mental Health First Aid training.

November 18, 2014
Sidney Health Center was presented with the Stroke Recognition Award.
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