Jackson Palmer

Birth Date:
August 12, 2024

Time of Birth:
2:04 pm

Son Of:
Laiken & Kyle
7lbs. 4oz.

19.75 in.

Delivered By: Malua Tambi MD
Baby's Physician: Dr. Fritz

Family Message:
Family is not an important thing, it's everything. We love you with all our heart baby boy!

Sidney Health Center

Proudly Announces

Jackson Palmer

Birth Date:
August 12, 2024

Time of Birth:
2:04 pm

Son Of:
Laiken & Kyle
7lbs. 4oz.

19.75 in.

Delivered By: Malua Tambi MD
Baby's Physician:

Family Message:
Family is not an important thing, it's everything. We love you with all our heart baby boy!