Main Entrance
P: 406-488-2510
F: 406-488-2549
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
Internal Medicine
Medical School
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Internship & Residencies
• Fargo, North Dakota
Began practicing in Sidney in:
January 1986
Specializes In/Practice Includes
• General Internal Medicine
• Hospital Medicine
• Chronic Disease
• Coordination of Care
• Acute Care Problems
• Heart Disease
• Lung Disease
• Diabetes
• Geriatric Care
• Infections
• Hypertension
• Thyroid Problems
• High Cholesterol
• Ulcers & Bowel Problems
• Asthma & Allergies
• Arthritis
• Depression
• Routine Physicals
• Test Interpretation
• Patient Education
• American Board of Internal Medicine
• American Board of Family Medicine
• Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
I was born in St. Paul, MN. I went to college at the U of MN in Minneapolis and received my undergraduate premed and psychology degree in 1976. I did medical school in Duluth and Minneapolis and received my MD from U of MN in 1980. That was 42 years ago! I did 6 years of residency training in Fargo, ND, completing my formal education in December of 1985. I pursued my future wife, Shelley, for 2 years before she agreed to go out with me in 1982. She proposed to me the following year. I was dumbfounded when she asked: “Aren’t you going to marry me?” Two hours later I called her on the phone and said “Yes.” The rest is, as they say, history. . .
I was inspired to go into medicine after my dad died from a sudden cardiac death (a heart attack) on the job while delivering mail. He had been to the GP just weeks before he died. My dad was told that his chest pain was due to "heartburn," and that no further evaluation or treatment was necessary. This was the main reason that I became a doctor, because I never wanted that to happen to other kids. My dad was 49 and I had just turned 14.
I have been blessed but also worked hard to accomplish a few things in my life: I was only the second of 8 kids in my family to graduate from college, and later became the first doctor in the family. I completed double residencies before starting my private practice in Sidney in January of 1986. I wrote a weekly “Dr. Dirt” newspaper column for 5 years. I authored two “tongue in cheek” books. I was to own and operate a family landscaping business. with my 3 sons, for several year. I returned to medicine at SHC in 2013, which was over 9 years ago. And, of course, I have been able to know and take of many patients over my 28-year career as internist-hospitalist in Sidney MT.
My wife and I are dog lovers: as a kid I had Fred, a mutt; then we had Greta, a Brittany spaniel, in Fargo before Shelley and I had any children; and Oscar, my all-time favorite. He was half-Labrador, supposed to be a good hunter, but he was mostly just a friend. He came with me when I used to jog. Our last dog, Kirby, was a golden retriever. He would hide when he heard a shot gun. He was mostly a lap dog, and we had to send him to golden retriever farm when I developed allergies to his fur. He was cute, though somewhat neurotic. We had to part company when I went back to medicine in 2013.
I enjoy yard work, reading a variety of books, and biking whenever I can. I have gone on some long bicycle trips in past: the 500 mile “CANDISC” tour, a 270-mile solo trip to Bismarck, two 165-mile trips from St. Paul to Duluth, and long weekend rides whenever I can. I enjoy camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I once kayaked “across” Prince Williams sound in Alaska. I have been to the Boundary Waters wilderness area in northern Minnesota on 8 occasions, including one 14-day trip. I sometimes camp alone when I can’t get my wife to go tent camping with me. Shelley wants us to get an air-conditioned camper. I am holding out. I still like to “rough it” occasionally. I especially love spending time with my wife of 39 years, our 3 adult sons, and our 3 young granddaughters.
I used to be the class clown in grade school. I got D’s in conduct and A’s in everything else. The Catholic nuns in that school would be shocked if they knew that I ever amounted to anything. I was always serious about my studies and medical career, but I still like to joke and have a good time.
I have been active with St. Matthew’s church in Sidney for many years. I taught Bible study (CCD) for several years. My wife and I have been active in the “Cum Christo” movement since 1990. Years ago, I was a “Big Brother.” I was a “Lion” for a few years in Sidney. I have also delivered “Meals on Wheels” in the past. I was a “lab rat” volunteer at the USDA Research Center before I returned to Medicine in 2013. I served on the Sidney “Tree Board,” and spent time studying Dutch Elm Disease.