Early detection important for breast health

At Sidney Health Center, your breast health is our priority. In fact, our mammography team offers the latest in breast cancer screening, 3D mammography - the most exciting advancement in breast cancer detection in more than 30 years. A 3D mammogram consists of multiple breast images taken in just seconds to produce a 3D image. Our radiologists, Dr. Jennifer Adams and Dr. Leszek Jaszczak look through the tissue one millimeter at a time seeing detail inside the breast in a way never before possible.
Many breast cancers do not show warning signs. Finding the cancer early often makes it easier to treat, and you can help. Know what your breasts normally feel like (breast self-awareness) and talk to your healthcare provider if you notice changes.
Sidney Health Center follows the American College of Radiology recommendation that starting at age 40, women should have annual screening mammograms and a yearly check-up by a doctor that includes a breast exam, or follow the plan that you make with your healthcare provider. Even though mammograms are the best method for early detection, not all cancers are found with mammograms. If you feel a lump or have any other reasons for concern, you should tell your physician or healthcare provider.
During the month of October, the Sidney Health Center mammography staff¬ will be offering evening mammograms to increase access for this important screening. In addition, Sidney Health Center will donate a portion of proceeds from each mammogram completed in October to the Richland County Cancer Coalition Aid Fund. This fund helps surrounding area residents who have been diagnosed with cancer offset any costs they may incur with their diagnosis. It also helps ease some of the anxiety of battling a life-threatening disease.
If you are 40 years or older, you can schedule a screening mammogram without a referral notice by calling the Sidney Health Center outpatient coordinator at 406-488-2195.