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July 23, 2024 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
Melissa Papka, Executive Assistant, has successfully completed the Workforce Solutions Certificate Program through a partnership with Miles City Community College that is designed for outstanding employees whose achievements and core values uphold our I CARE Standards.

April 27, 2023 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
The Richland County Ambulance service held Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support training exercises for its EMTs that included hands-on training. Click to read more.

April 6, 2023 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
Sidney Health Center received a mid-level fidelity simulation manikin thanks to funding from the Foundation for Community Care and a stroke grant through the American Heart Association.

February 9, 2023 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
10 years ago, Malisa Reed started donating handmade newborn hats to the OB department. Now Malisa is working toward becoming an RN.

October 21, 2020 by Pharmacy
For National Pharmacy Week, a few staff members were asked to participate in a question and answer about working in Pharmacy. The next “Pharmacy Staff on the spot interview,” is with Jamie Parker, CPhT.

October 21, 2020 by Pharmacy
For National Pharmacy Week, a few staff members were asked to participate in a question and answer about working in Pharmacy. The first “Pharmacist on the spot interview,” is with Joseph Tabor, Pharmacist at Sidney Health Center.

August 6, 2020 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
Clinic Pharmacy employee, Alex Wicks, was recently recognized with an Employee Shout Out for making a difference in pharmacy by starting a recycling project

December 5, 2019 by Bill Vander Weele
Yvette Lien, RN, recently received an Employee Super Shout Out after being recognized during the Sidney Health Center Annual Meeting. Read the newest blog post by Bill Vander Weele including a shout out to Yvette.
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