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June 22, 2020 by Sidney Health Center Marketing
Sidney Health Center is proud to have been named a 2020 Employer of Choice recipient by the Sidney Job Service Employers Committee.

May 20, 2020 by Shari Twigg, MD
Have you seen your waistline expand the last couple of months? Well, you aren’t alone. If you have found yourself searching through your cupboard or refrigerator every hour for something to eat while at home, the pounds can easily creep on.

April 3, 2020 by Dr. Shari Twigg
Stuck at home... tips to keep your skin healthy. Healthy skin begins with overall health, skin protection from the sun, healthy eating, exercise, and taking care of your skin with a medical-grade skincare regimen.

March 30, 2020 by Dr. Shari Twigg
Rosacea is a skin condition, that make the skin on your face appear red, even when you know you don't have a sunburn. See your doctor to address your rosacea, as you will need treatment to prevent further damage and prevent it from progressing

February 14, 2020 by
Read some tips on how to keep your family active when the weather turns cold.

February 13, 2020 by Katherine Schulz, RDN, Sidney Health Center Dietitian
Sidney Health Center Dietitian, Katherine Schulz, shares what fresh fruits and vegetables are great to look for when shopping in the winter.

February 11, 2020 by James Hickey, D.O.
Dr. James Hickey discusses the ways to keep your family healthy.
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